Foraging Series: Part 3- Jewelweed!

Part 1- Staghorn Sumac
Part 2- Queen Anne’s Lace

The 4 main rules of foraging-

1. Make sure wherever you harvest is at minimum 100 ft. from a road cars drive on.
2. Make sure wherever your picking is public property (don’t pick on someone’s private land unless you’ve OK-ed it with the owners!)
3. Make sure where your picking is not somewhere that gets sprayed! You do not want chemicals all over your yummy wild food.
4. Give back to the earth and do your part to help keep the environment clean and healthy. Don’t take without giving back!!


Let me enlighten you with my amazing poetry skills with my haiku about jewelweed-

I love jewelweed
Jewelweed is an awesome
Medicinal plant

Alright, so my amazing poetry skills aren’t so great, but jewelweed is!


A jewelweed bush




The side of a flower


The leaves, and if you look closely you can see a seed pod under one of the leaves in the center of the photo. It looks like a bean pod.


Close up of a flower head on

Jewelweed is also called spotted touch me not, touch me not and they are impatiens.

These bushes grow rampant where I live. The bushes grow extremely large and everywhere. In the woods and along the roads are the most common places for them. Its very distinct and has saw blade edged oval leaves with trumpeting flowers. The flowers can be yellow (like the ones I have pictured, these are called pale jewelweed) or light to dark orange to reddish. But aside from they will all look exactly alike. The flowers are spotted and the plant itself has knobby joints- everywhere a stem meets another stem there is a little knob. Its like knees and elbow. But plant-ish.

Aside from the medicinal benefits of this plant, the best part is the seed pods. All throughout my childhood we called these plants poppies. Not because they look like poppy flowers, because when you touch or gently squeeze the ripe seed pods they explode (in order to disperse its seeds). Its tons of fun. Look for a fat seed pod (they are ripe this time of year, so go now!!) and explode them. There is no plant out there more fun. Watch this video to see it happen =)

The jewelweed plant is natures poison Ivy (and poison oak) relief. It usually grows right near poison ivy. If you apply jewelweed lotion or salve prior to going into the woods its can actually prevent you from getting poison ivy. Don’t tell me that’s not awesome. Or if your unfortunate enough to get the stuff, soap, lotion or salve with stop the itching and heal the poison ivy. It also does wonders for just about every other rash. My daughter suddenly got a very bad diaper rash (I think it came with being sick) and my regular homemade ointment didn’t help, my plantain salve didn’t help so I tried jewelweed lotion and it cleared up in an hour!!

I’m gonna teach you how to make-

Jewelweed Infused Oil

This oil can be used as a base for soaps, salves, ointments and lotions as well as completely on its own.

You will need-

A large handful or jewelweed
Organic olive oil

Roughly chop the jewelweed (stems, leaves, flowers and all) and place them in a skillet or sauce pan. Cover them in a thin layer of olive oil (I used about a cup) and bring to a bubbling simmer. Let them simmer uncovered for an hour stirring every 10 minutes or so, you want them all to be wilted. Put everything into a mason jar and pop a lid on it. Let it rest anywhere from over night to a week then strain out all of the leaves and leaf pieces. And that’s it! Make whatever you like out of it. If you want to make a salve replace plantain oil in this Epic Healing Salve and make jewelweed salve. Or use a mixture of both! To use it on its own, just rub it on the affected area as needed.


Cooking infused oil


Finished, un-strained oil

How to eat Jewelweed

Here’s the deal, jewelweed really isn’t more then a trail side snack when your out walking. It may come in handy sometime though! You can eat the seeds from the seed pods. As you may notice, the seeds fly everywhere when you touch a ripe seed pod. So hold the whole seed pod in your hand to catch them. They are quite tasty!! If your free a whole afternoon in a large patch of jewelweed you can collect a bunch and put them on a salad or bread =) Yummy!

So have some fun with this amazing plant =)

~Courtney, The Crunchy Delinquent

This post was shared on Wildcrafting Wednesdays!

*Disclaimer- I am not a doctor. Nor do I claim to be. Use caution when picking wild plants and DO NOT pick anything unless you are 100% certain you are picking the correct plant. If you have allergies to any of the plants I feature, do not use them. If you are worried about the medicinal effects of any of the plants featured, please consult your doctor. Do your own research before deciding what is best for you.*

Mason Jar Giveaway!

Well, I got 100 like on Facebook!
And As promised, I’m going to giveaway 6 half gallon Mason jars!!
The contest will run from today, (8-12-13) through August 25th (2013)!
So enter as much as you’d like =)
(I’m having troubles getting this to link up properly, so if you just see a link it will take you to the page you can enter on!!!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!! One lucky person will get these fantastic jars delivered to their front door =)


(I’m bad with disclaimers, but I purchased the jars myself and will not be reimbursed by anyone nor am I being reimbursed for running the giveaway. This is not sponsored by anyone or anything of the sort. Just my way of thanking you guys for following me!)

Much love!

~Courtney, The Crunchy Delinquent

Meadow Mint Tea

If you’ve ever been to Amish country, you’ve probably heard of or tried Meadow Tea.

I was raised in Amish country, and its probably my #1 favorite drink (well, other then water).

I had a plan to grow out my leg hair really long, quit using deodorant and get an Amish dress so I could infiltrate their community and get the super secret Meadow Tea recipe.

However, I quickly decided that was a ridiculous idea, and figured out their recipe on accident!


Meadow Tea

You will need:

1 packed cup of fresh cut spearmint (bruised and put in a glass container)

2 cups of water

1 cup of organic unbleached sugar (I like this brand)

Put the sugar and water together in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Whisk and boil until all the sugar is dissolved and it becomes syrupy. Pour the syrup (while still boiling) over top of the spearmint. Let it rest until its cooled down. Strain out the leaves and make sure to squeeze them a lot to be sure all of the syrup is out.

This is spearmint simple syrup. (Just like the honey suckle simple syrup I made a few weeks back).

Put approx. 8oz of simple syrup in the bottom of a half gallon container. Then fill it the rest of the way with filtered water and shake it to combine the two. Sip a little bit and make sure its a sweet/minty as you like it and then put it in the fridge overnight.

In the morning it will be cold and delicious!!

If your impatient (like me) and want some tea right away, you can mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of syrup into a glass of cold water.

Add a sprig of mint to garnish and enjoy!

You can also make extra mint syrup while its in season and freeze it to have tea in the off seasons!


P.S. Mint is super easy to grow! I have a pot of it growing in my kitchen I use to make minty things. I dug a few of the runners from my moms mini mint forest she has growing and buried them in a container of organic potting soil. Its growing like crazy.


To anyone who’s had Meadow Tea before, your welcome! This tastes just like Amish are cooking in your kitchen for you!

And to anyone who’s never had authentic Amish Meadow Tea, I’m so sorry you’ve missed out thus far in your life. Make this now!

Happy sipping!

~Courtney, The Crunchy Delinquent

‘I Love’ Tuesdays!

My container garden.

I love it.

I dream about planting acres of just edible plants. I drive by peoples empty yards and just think how great it would look with fruits, vegetables, herbs, greens and anything imaginable planted in it.

But, unfortunately, I live in a basement apartment and in 2 days will be living in a  second floor apartment, neither of which have yards.

However I have been freaking out (excitedly not scared) about our new place. Its huge and open with big windows. In the basement apartment there is one window that gets sun. So no plants here.

I have been growing my container garden at my moms house in anticipation of this move. And we’re moving stuff in today. So I finally get green things in my house!!!

Its all planted in organic potting soil. So fresh, organic herbs and salsa all summer!!

I’m growing two kinds of tomatoes, sweet peppers and habanero peppers in window boxes. Then in my indoor pots I have Rosemary, Lemon balm, St. Johns wort, Texas bird peppers, spearmint, basil and aloe.


You can tell I love it because I buckled them in for the trip to the new place and didn’t buckle myself…

Its so exciting. I can’t wait for everything to be big enough to use!!

I think that everyone should at the very least, grow some herbs. Obviously, if your in my situation and have no yard, your limited on what you can do. But as long as you have some sunshine you can grow something!!

I plan to have mint tea with my spearmint. Make salve with the St. John’s wort. I have lots of plans for the lemon balm, as it is medicinal and lemony tasting for recipes.

No one can possibly comprehend how exciting I am to finally be growing things in my own home. There aren’t words.

I’m gonna go finish moving… Ugh. So much work.

Go plant something!!

Happy Tuesday!

~Courtney, The Crunchy Delinquent

Adventures in Glass Cutting

Just for the record- I’ll be back to blogging regularly on Monday, I’ve been crazy busy this weekend with my grandparents visiting and my nieces and nephew’s birthday parties and getting ready to move and looking at houses…. Busy busy.

But anyways, I figured I’d at least show you what I did today =)

Every glass bottle I ever get (like if my fiance gets a beer or I get peanut butter in a glass jar or something) I hoard them.

I’m a glass bottle hoarder.

I just can’t bring myself to throw them in the recycling because in the back of my mind I know there has to be something I can do with it myself.

It is glass after all. And glass is great.

I saw a fancy picture of a beer bottle planter and decided to test out making one on my bottle stash.

So here’s how to (and how not to) make your own!

You’ll need:

A glass bottle

Cotton yarn

Acetone finger nail polish remover (I got mine for a dollar at the grocery store, I’m sure some of you may have some at home already but I don’t use the stuff)

First rinse out your bottle and remove the labels (if you want, its not really necessary to remove the labels). Take your yarn and wrap it around the bottle 6 times and tie and trim the ends. Like so

glass cutting 003

Next, remove the string and soak it in the nail polish remover. (while its soaking up fill your sink with cool water) Make sure the string is super soaked, the first time I tried this, it was only damp it didn’t cut through the glass. Place it about 3/4 of the way up the bottle. Close to the neck, but not too close as you will be holding the neck while its on fire and you don’t want to burn yourself.

glass cutting 004

About here, maybe a little higher up even.

Now, hold the bottle over the sink and set the string on fire. Slowly twirl the bottle (with the mouth facing you) until the flame is almost out. Right before it goes out (the flame will be small and just blue) dunk it in the water. (I will upload a video of this later on tonight, I’m still trying to figure out how =P)

I had tons of troubles with this. The first time I hit the bottle off the sink faucet and it cracked. The second time the top half was good and the bottom half was cracked. The this time the top was cracked and the bottom wasn’t. All in all I managed to get one whole planter out of it =)

Once its cut through, use sand paper to soften the edges and put the top upside down in the bottom to create the planter.

glass cutting 005

This one obviously didn’t turn out so great.

Way to sharp and cracky =P

Just a note- Be SUPER careful. Glass is crazy sharp when cut like this and will cut you. Don’t do it with your little kids and don’t blame me if you cut yourself lol.

Here’s my final product with one of my aloe plants in it-



Put soil in the upside down portion with your plant and fill the bottom with water. The water will pull up into the soil as needed.

Self watering planter!

Have fun with your adventures!

X’s and O’s

~Courtney, The Crunchy Delinquent